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 Computer class [parody]

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Computer class [parody] Empty
PostSubject: Computer class [parody]   Computer class [parody] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 8:42 pm

I'm writing a parody to a song [I know, I listen to too much wierd al and tim hawkins Razz]

Anyways, the parody is to the song "I can see it in your eyes - David Archuleta"

and I need your guys' help. I'm stuck.
This is what I've got so far:

I had computer today,
Opened a file.
There was this program,
and it took a while to open right then.

I had just won a bet ] this,
I knew it was slow ]and this line don't sound good. Help plox.
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Computer class [parody]
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