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 Written Mania (In progress)

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PostSubject: Written Mania (In progress)   Written Mania (In progress) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 7:08 am

My current large-scale writing I'm working on. It's the equivilant of an animated mania, but this is going to be written in a large story format. I'll be posting little parts of it so you guys can see how its coming along. This is the character sheet for everyone who I'll be animating writing about. I have high hopes for it :]
However, the character limit is too small here, so I will only show the character sheet of the character I'm currently writing the introduction for. After I have the introduction for each character, I will then post the character sheets of each character that's currently fighting eachother.

Scarecrow's introduction is done.

Name: Dimishk Macrov

Backstory: It was 3410, the age of wisdom, truth and trust. Earth had been protected from innumerous attacks. Small ones, big ones. Like everyone in my Country, I shed blood in a mix of emotions and fear. Around March, over the first crops of Cladivo-Russia, a group of alien invaders, not identified, not even recognizable by anyone, strongly raided my village. We maintained hold of it for a couple of weeks, but our fire-power was nothing much than a few thousand rounds that we used as a warning for shmaigs (outsiders). After their conquest, a hundreds of people were captured and killed. It seems they did not want to slave. What brought to my mind that tehy might just want the village as a strategic point.
You see, our village is beautiful, surrounded my misty mountains covered of snow, we named our mountain as "De Troufe" which means "The Triumph" in our language. No, not Russian. Russia was taken down in 2550 by a state cue. Ever since, every country had been transformed in small proprieties that were then taken as villages.
We weren't the most advanced village in the east of Cladivo-Russia, but we had means. We had some old radios, guns, since the fighter number had reduced, the number of bullets had increased for every fighter.
We stood a chance of getting our village back.
Dark. As we came outside that was all that rendered trough my mind. A sheer pure black of fear and confusion. Bullets flew everywhere. It was my first time in combat. In the first two weeks I had escaped my duties since I was only 17 years old. We all tried to escape several times, and failed. By two times, only I escaped. As I grabbed my rifle like it was my life, I just stood hid behind a rock while my mates, people whom I had spent my entire life, died at my right and my left. Jonel was shot in the head, the helmet did nothing, Dimitri lost a leg and I could smell the blood just a few meters from me.
Then everything went quiet.
And I waited. And then they shot me.
(obviously he didn't die, now develop)

Personality: Dimishk Macrov is a coward boy, although he possesses a lot of character and will to survive. He's a social guy, and thought that, like every teen, he was immortal.

Physical Attributes: Smart guy(possesses some general culture) with a great athletic body, since he worked in the crops since a young boy.

Weapon/Power: Like every boy at the age of four he received "the gift". Noone know what it does except the holder of this gift. The first effect of the power manifest at the age of 17.(since he didn't die at the end of my small story, let's say that his power is resistance to injuries). As a weapon, he uses a small rifle( modified by him. Generally to hunt.

Last edited by Devour on Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Written Mania (In progress)   Written Mania (In progress) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 9:15 pm

I hope this turns out well, but I moved your topic. When you're finished writing the whole thing, you can post it in the stories section : ]
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