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 Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]

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Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Empty
PostSubject: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 1:10 am

You read the title.

Deep in the forest

In this exercise, I wanna see how you all capture readers attention by writing scary stuff.

The main character can be anything at all.

From 2-6 paragraphs.
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PostSubject: Re: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 5:44 am

As I ran through the dark and misty forest, running from something I didn't know. A whisper through the trees, a snap of a branch would set my heart pounding from my eternal breast. Running, Running untill I could run no more. I fell to the forest floor, leaves flying into the air like birds from a tree. But still, I had to go on, had to escape the presuer, the predator. I crawled through the mildew and leaves that carpeted the forest, all I knew was that I had to get away.

Thunder, coming from above, set my heart pounding yet again, as I crawled faster and faster. Then, Thunder from below, this couldn't be right! The pounding footsteps coming closer, almost matching the beat of my heart. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins, I got up again and stubled on.

The sound was getting closer, I knew this was my last chance, I ran forward, then tripped and fell the the ground. I saw the red eyes coming out of the dark. The huge fangs approaching my god-forsaken body.

I looked into the eyes, the eyes of the creatrure that would soon snatch the life out of me. The eyes of hatred, of greed. The claws slashed, and I knew no more....
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Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 9:29 pm

I finished tying my shoe, and looked up. My campmates had gone. I stared around at the still light forest trees. I couldn't believe it! Just what I wanted; to get lost in the middle of a huge forest. I walked deeper into the forest, where the trees were closer, and the sharp leaves scrape against your skin. There were no signs of life at all. It was a dead forest.

All too abruptly, the light faded dark. This freaked me out so much, that I tripped over a dead oak root. I crawled along the ground for a couple feet, then paused on both my knees. Sweat fell from my face and splashed on the dark leaves covering the forest floor. My eyes traveled along the ground and up onward to dark plants whose shadows looked like ghosts reaching out to kill you in the twilight.

Some sort of twig snapped behind me. I swung my head around to look, but saw nothing but the woody darkness.


A shadow quickly moved from one tree to a brown and lifeless bush. I staggered to my feet and sprang into a sprint.
"It's only an animal, it's only an animal," I breathed to myself.

I passed halfway through a small clearing, about 30 feet wide, but something icy cold caught my foot, and I was suddenly flying forward into the leaves and dirt. I was then on my back, staring at a black-cloaked and hooded figure, 7 feet away.

I was paralyzed, and couldn't move. The figure slowly edged forward, and reached out his arm to reveal a wrinkled up, dead looking hand. How I wanted to move. Tears rolled down my eyes, for I knew what was going to happen. The hooded creature closed his hand upon my through, and I felt like I had just swallowed four dozen ice cubes. The pain was excruciating. With it's other hand, it started to pull back his dark hood, and I could not describe what I saw. It was too gruesome to be true.

Bloody teeth bared, the figure's head glided toward me and closed it's mouth against my soft flesh.

No human survived this tale, yet somehow, the tale itself survived...

Sorry, I used more than six paragraphs XD but I got so into it.
CC if you can.
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Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 5:14 pm

Forests are so dark. Even though you're out in the country so there's billions of stars, along with the moon, shining on you, its too dark to see anything. Even worse if you don't have a flashlight.
Which I didn't.
So here I am, looking like a total idiot with my arms outstretched. Inching forward in fear of tripping on a root, and swinging wildly with my arms so that I could avoid scratching myself up by stray branches.
I hate how dark forests are.
However, I'm not scared. I'm following the sound of my fellow campers, who are all heading back to their little camp they have. And over there is a roaring fire, along with a bunch of cool people I met over the week, and a bunch of tents.
Oh there we are, the campfire's just around the c
"THE LIGHT BURNS MY EYES" A horrible, gut-wrenching voice screams.
The sound is horrible. All I can do right now is lay down in a ball and cover my ears, whimpering and hoping that I don't get seen by whatever horrible things just came here.
But what comes next is even worse. Suddenly, all I can hear is the agonized screams of the people I knew. The horrible squeak that is the sound of flesh being ripped apart. Through the cracks in my fingers, I literally see my friends running around skinless. I don't know what kind of jump in the laws of physics let them do that, but I was seeing my friends, half skeletons, try to run away from the monsters that had attacked them.
But the monsters got them, and the screaming resumed.
I closed my eyes and cried.
Forests are so dark. Even though you're out in the country so there's billions of stars, along with the moon, shining on you, its to dark to see anything. Even worse if you don't have a flashlight.
I'm glad I didn't.
So here I am, looking like a total idiot with my arms outstretched. Inching forward in fear of tripping on a root, and swinging wildly with my arms so that I could avoid scratching myself up by stray branches. Trembling and crying like a baby.
I'm glad forests are so dark, though.

Last edited by Devour on Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 6:27 pm

On the first line you wrote "to" instead of "too". But the rest is great.
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PostSubject: Re: Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2]   Deep in the forest [Horror. Exercise 2] Icon_minitime

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