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 The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]

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The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Empty
PostSubject: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 12:06 am

The Doughnut.

Write about a doughnut on a shelf. You can make the doughnut talk, have feelings, or describe a regular doughnut.

1 or 2 paragraphs are enough.

I want to see how creative people are.


This exercise has no end limit, people can keep posting their results.

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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 7:42 am


I'm happy of what I am. Sitting here in the bakery while being bathed in warmth by the counter's lights. I've had a few little boys and girls point to me and beg their mom to be able to take me home. Sadly the parents both said no, though.
It feels nice to be pretty. To know that your outer appearance draws others to stare at you with a sparkle in their eye. To have people want me to the extent of begging their parents.
I've seen others be taken before. The few that have greater beauty than I. They get taken in luxerious brown bags into wherever it is outside of this bakery. What's it like out of here, though? Surely, people would only buy us so that they could have our beauty to themselves. So that they could stare at us while they laid in bed, or have a sight for sore eyes after a bad day.
There's another lady there now. Starting at me. It makes me feel warm inside. She's talking to the cashier at the desk. Now she's pointing at me, asking to buy me. Another good thing about being me. Who would pay money to buy a human? There's nothing beautiful about them. Just about us.
I'm being taken out of my spot now. It feels slightly colder for a second, but then I'm placed in a bag, and given a soft white blanket.
Oh how wonderful this feels. I'm outside of the store now, and I can see through the bag I'm in. Its a beautiful world full of strange machines.

It's been a while since I spoke last. I was busy looking at the outside world. So fascinating...
I'm inside of a house now, and this woman's children are coming running. They see me and point to me, to have me taken out of the bag to see my beauty. She does so and places me on the counter. The children stare with an excitement to their eyes. One of them reach out to touch me, but the mother says something about waiting till later, as she was busy making something. They'd be able to do so later. My heart warms at the admiration that's being shown towards me.
Ah how it must be to not just be seen but to be felt and touched as well. To feel the embrace of another warm body.
I'm going to have a great future here...
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 9:52 am

That was awesome devour. I'll edit my post in a second of mine, I'm writing it now.

I was scared of these people. I could see the need in there eyes. They were vicious, they wanted to kill me for their own enjoyment. As I lay there in the bag on some kind of shelf, every time they'd walk by they'd check on me. They'd look into the bag, and just smile. Touching me, admiring how "delicious" I tasted. Savages. I figured they wanted to make sure I hadn't escaped. Ran away from them. Like I could. I could hear them talking about me, "When can we eat the doughnut?", a little girl would say. "Not until after dinner", the older girl would say. They were talking about eating me. Devouring me. Disgusting. After that I heard them talking, sitting around a table. Eating other people like me of all different kinds. I could hear their screams of terror. That would be me next, I thought. I tried rolling against the bag but it was no use. There was no way I'd escape. After about 20 minutes I heard people grabbing the bag. They pulled me out and I looked around, it wasn't only me, there were more of my kind and other people pulling them out of their bags. Suddenly I was jerked towards a girls face, she took a bite of me, I screamed. It hurt so bad. But then I started falling, I hit the ground hard, the girl had dropped me, I was about to run for it. But then I heard a bark. Then everything went dark. As I faded away, I heard people yelling, "Drop it."
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 8:40 pm

Woah. Haha.

I probably wouldn't have read the whole things if they were normal, but I couldn't stop reading XD.
Nice ones. I'll probably do it too later.


I sat on the warm, metal shelf, gazing at my surroundings. It was a white room with paintings of myself all over the walls. I smiled. I looked very soft and beautiful. I knew I was soft, for every time a person walked into the room - with a ring of a bell - and poked me gently, I could see my outer part dent in. But I did not like it when they did this, because flakes of my shell floated off and drifted to the floor.

Very abruptly, I found myself being lifted up by a plastic-covered hand, and being dropped into a comfortable bag. The bag was see-through, so I could see my surroundings; the man with the glove handed me and the bag over to a short round bellied man who needed to shave. He and the other man exchanged a few words, and carried me out of the small room, into the sunlight, with the familiar ring. The sunlight hit me like a bully, and I gasped for a second, as if the light had caried all my air away.

The next thing I new, I was inside the man's silver car, laying on a soft leather seat, while the man sat in another seat to the left. The man took a drink of something thick, cold, and white. He then picked me up off the nice black seat, and carried me up towards his face. He hesitated, with his mouth open, and I could see the white liquid dripping off the top of the inside of his mouth, behind two rows of yellowish-white blocks. The man stuck out his pink tongue, with slime dripping, and brought me closer, 'til his wrinkly lips touched my soft outer being...

What d'you all think?
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 10:50 pm

Really nice. I liked how you described everything really well. I could picture it perfectly in my head.
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 12:05 am

Really? AWESOME Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 8:31 am

I woke up as the sun cast it's rays on me. I opened my eyes and adjusted myself on the metal rack underneath me. There was a card in front of me, which Marshall had taught me to read, and it said JAM FILLED DOUGHNUTS in bright red ink. There was another rack off to my left, making the entire town L-shaped. There were three levels to O-block; the bottom, which were composed of the sugar doughnuts, the middle, which were the chocolates, and the top, the jam-filled doughnuts. yes, it was evident that the top was obviously the best and that the bottom was treated badly, but i didin't care. everyone i needed was up here; Stan, Benny, and Marshall. Marshall was a weathered old doughnut, but he had gone missing over the past week. I saw when one of the cloaked monsters grabbed him and tossed him into a white contraption and carried him away, but i hadn't seen him since. talking about it, i haven't seen anybody after they were picked up. It definitely wasn't a bad thing, because they had taken Marco, the town wierdo, a month ago and replaced him with Stan, but it did have it's disadvantages. Marshall was a nice doughnut. Anyways, I was barely waking up to the morning sun when i heard a loud beep. It always beeped when new breeds of creatures entered our holding building, but this time it was different. It was too early. I looked up to the best of my ability and saw two monsters, a short and round one with a much taller one holding one if it's extremities. Maybe they were just one beast, which would explain the single beep. But i was proved wrong after they separated, the round one with the red mid-body coming towards me while the one with the gray torso waited behind. The round one constantly looked back and would make incomprehensible noises while the other cocked his head in response. The round one pressed his unusually big face against the glass, liquid rolling down his face after the hike over to us. he backed up and pointed at me, almost shattering the protective barrier with his thick finger. one of the cloaked creatures swooped in from the left and slid open the shield in one majestic move. The air beat against me as i inhaled deeply. They cloaked monster picked me and Stan up, while Benny began shouting enthusiastically.
"You're going! you're going to sugarcandy mountain!"
My heart jumped. sugarcandy mountain was the place for all doughnuts after they were taken from O-block, and it was my chance! I screamed back at Benny in reply: " I know! wish me luck!"
"Good luck!"
the entire event was a joy. Stan was also screaming, but his high jam-dough pressure made him blackout. I was dropped into the white contraption, which to contrary belief, was soft and net-like instead of rough. Stan fell on top of me, and i couldn't get him off. I sighed in annoyance and tried looking around. everwhere i looked it was white. It was heaven.

When I woke up, we were on a hard surface. My body shook in excitement as we got closer to sugarcandy mountain. The white room peeled open at the top and a strange hand desended. It groped around, before grabbing Stan. he cried in excitement as they lifted him up. I cried for him too, as he was carried into the shining light. then it was quiet. but not for long. I soon heard Stan's horrified screams as shadows moved above me. I was puzzled for a minute, but then a stroke of purple liquid was spattered on the room. I was horrified. It was Stan's blood.

He kept screaming in agony as the two shadows fought over his body, ripping it into little bits and eating it. more and more of his blood fell on the ground as he simply exploded. but that didn't kill him. Stan kept on screaming until the last piece of silhouette was gone. I had blood all over me. I couldn't even speak. Stan, my best friend, had been brutally murdered. I began sobbing. I wished i could go back and tell everybody that sugarcandy mountain was a lie but i couldn't. I remembered Marshall and how he was taken away, and this was his fate. The hand reached down for me and groped around the bag again. I tried to squirm away, but the white cloth would slip from right under me, making me slip closer to the hand. closer. closer. and then i touched it. My head went numb as my predators found my location and lifted me up. They dropped me violently on a blood-stained plate, bit's of Stan's body all over it.
the round monster picked me up, and opened his face in an inexpressible way. half of his head was now open, revealing a single row of razor sharp blades with pieces of Stan's flesh on them. It carried my body towards it's killing machine and bit into me. It's blades made quick work of my skin and soon i found myself covered in blood. He kept on biting at me as i screamed in agony, but nobody heard me. Then, as my vision fleeted from me, the monster stopped. In a glorious move, he put what was left of me into his mouth, and as it tried to crawl out of the black hole,the entrace closed. my only hope of escape was blocked, and i slipped down into a tube full of spikes and daggers, and then, i blacked out.

damn, it's giving me goosebumps just reading it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1]   The Doughnut. [creative writing exercise 1] Icon_minitime

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