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 School homework. Descriptive writing. [4 inches tall in a classroom]

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School homework. Descriptive writing. [4 inches tall in a classroom] Empty
PostSubject: School homework. Descriptive writing. [4 inches tall in a classroom]   School homework. Descriptive writing. [4 inches tall in a classroom] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 7:17 pm

I did this for school, so it's not exactly a GREAT job, but I just wanted to post something

4 Inches Tall In a Classroom

When I looked up...

I saw pillars of huge mirror-like desk legs. The forest of objects towered above me like mountains in the Alps. The distance between one wall and the other was "unbelievably" China-Wall-ish.
I then looked down at the floor, and I saw a lake of dust that I could slip on. The detail of the tiles took my breath away. Black dots on the ground looked like fish swimming, although they never moved.
The air condition caught my hair, and I felt like a tornado had swallowed me up. The A.C turned away, and I could feel the rumble of giant students romping around the classroom.
The waft of smelly shoes hit my face, and I gagged; the stench was incredibly rotten. Sweat drops hit the ground in a big splash like collasal rain drops. Stinky smells steamed out of the gooey liquid that made me cry, all the same as onions do.
The big brown door opened and buckets of sound hit my eardrums. Speech seemed like giant roars and explosions. A bell rang out in the city-like corridor, and the torturing sound of Jack Hammers strayed off into the distance as the door floated shut.

This should give you some kind of picture of my classroom.
CC please.
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School homework. Descriptive writing. [4 inches tall in a classroom]
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