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 Zombie Paragraph Test

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PostSubject: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 12:53 pm

My family of 3 and I laid against our makeshift barricade made out of mattresses, televisions and other household items. My back was against our big black leather couch. We could hear the ugly screeches of the infected slashing at our door. My dad had is hunting rifle and my mom, his little pistol. I don't know what gun it was, being only 11. I didn't pay attention to that kind of stuff. I heard a crack and I knew what had happened. I heard the door breaking, and I dashed out of there. My sister and I ran to the back room and locker the door, moving a dresser in front of it. Our plan, or our parent's plan was to stay there until the door started going down. Then our parents would try to fight them off and us kids would run into the back room and hide. I was in the closet, hiding in the tiny shelf on top. Being so small I was barely able to squeeze in. My sister, Brittany, being 8 was even smaller than me. She hid in a tiny cabinet near our bed. I heard the crunching of the front door. It had smashed down. We heard gunfire, loud gunfire. Loud enough to make me jump. Then we heard screams. The horrible, screams of our loving parents. We could hear the moans of the monsters and tearing of flesh. I could hear my sister throwing up. Suddenly it ended, and we heard footsteps going all around at insane speeds. We heard them thudding up the steps. I heard our door tear down and growls filling the room. I started praying, don't find us, I thought. Though I knew they would. My sister was the first to go. They smelled the chunks of food from her, throwing up. I heard them tearing at the cabinet and the hinges break. I heard screams, tearing, chewing, then it was over. I would have cried but I knew they would find me if I did. After about 10 minutes of searching they gave up. I laid there for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours? I have no idea. But I knew they were gone. I slowly crept down from the shelf I was on, and looked around. I gagged loudly. The first thing I saw were the remains of what used to be my sister. Torn to shreds, mostly only the bones left. But there was also flesh and bits of intestines still hanging around. I started to walk out of the room, I stepped onto the first step when suddenly I was tackled from above. I heard the sound once more. Tearing, screaming. This time my screams. As I faded out I looked into the face of the horrible creature. I recognized the face as my father's. He knew I had been hiding there because he made the plan. It took just enough time to kill me for me to make my peace with god. Soon I would be one of them.

I'm going to continue this as the kid being in zombie views. Because obviously hes going to turn, but his mom and sister were torn up so much they couldn't turn. After I'm done with the second part I'll post the whole thing in the story section.

C&C yo.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeTue Sep 29, 2009 8:56 pm

I shuddered at the thought of him hearing his own family be eaten alive. That was suspenseful.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 8:03 am

Yeah, I was going for a suspenseful story.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 9:05 am

in a complimentary form, youre fucked up bro.
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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeWed Sep 30, 2009 12:19 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Zombie Paragraph Test   Zombie Paragraph Test Icon_minitimeWed Oct 07, 2009 1:00 pm

Flood wrote:
Then we heard screams. The horrible, screams of our loving parents. We could hear the moans of the monsters and tearing of flesh. I could hear my sister throwing up.

complementary of course. after i read this i felt sick. in a good, scared way
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